Our First Peoples, with their wealth of languages and cultures, combined with the cultural, linguistic and social heritage of many diverse peoples from around the world, make Western Australia a multicultural State. Our cultural diversity continues to flourish with people originating from more than 200 countries now calling Western Australia their home.

More than 32.2% of Western Australians are born overseas, so understanding the diversity of cultures and perspectives across our State has never been more important.

Diverse WA was developed for the Western Australian Government by the Office of Multicultural Interests to improve the knowledge, skills and awareness of people working at all levels in the public sector and non-government service organisations.

This training program aims to assist you in developing your cultural awareness and understanding to enable you to communicate and effectively engage with people from all backgrounds, regardless of cultural, religious, or social differences.

Undertaking cultural competence training is essential for you, your agency, or organisation to:

  • deliver a better service to diverse communities

  • create a competitive advantage

  • minimise prejudices in systems, policies, processes, and practices

  • ensure there is cultural diversity in the workplace

  • develop inclusion and equity promotional strategies

  • increase innovation.

The course consists of two training modules and should take you approximately 90 minutes to complete. However, you can work at your own pace and pause and recommence at any time. A certificate of completion will be available for you to download at the end of each module.

Diverse WA logo (rainbow coloured people in a circle)Diverse WA is available free-of-charge to all Western Australian public sector employees and local government staff. Western Australian based non-government organisations (NGO) and not-for-profit (NFP) organisations can read about access in FAQs then request access by emailing the Office of Multicultural Interests at diversewa@omi.wa.gov.au 

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