
  • Diverse WA is optimised for use in Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Safari, and can be displayed on a variety of devices including desktop computers, laptops, smartphones and tablets (Apple and Android). If you are using outdated technology, please switch browsers or update them before commencing this training program.


  • I cannot find my agency in the 'Agency' drop down list?
    Only state and local government agencies, and those non-government organisations which have a signed user agreement are listed.  State government agencies such as the Department of Communities, and Department of Justice, have individual divisions listed due to their size. All other State Government agencies will be listed by their department title, e.g. Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, Department of. If you believe your agency or organisation is missing from this list, please email 
  • I am receiving an error message when I try to register or I am not receiving an email confirming my registration or password.
    All fields must be filled in on the registration form before you press the submit button. The system records the email address used to register. This address is your work/agency email address. If you do not receive an email confirming your registration or if resetting a password, please contact
  • I am not currently employed by a state or local government agency, non-government or not-for-profit organisation, can I access the Diverse WA training?
    Unfortuntately not at this time. The Diverse WA training program is specifically designed for employees from a state or local government agency, however non-government or not-for-profit organisations can benefit from some content included in the training modules. In this situation, the Office of Multicultural Interests can provide you with further information about other training providers. Please email requesting this information.
  • I haven't received an automated email confirming my registration.
    Ensure you fill in all text fields in the registration form before pressing the 'submit' button. You may need to register again if the information is missing.


  • I've forgotten my password, what do I do?
    Simply, go to the 'Sign in' page and select 'Forgot your password?' and follow the password reset instructions.
  • Why is my account locked?
    You only get 5 login attempts, if you try putting the wrong password in the sixth attempt and press 'Sign in', the system locks you out. The lockout period is 15 minutes, after which you will be able to reset your password and can sign in.
  • What is the password complexity?
    It is minimum of 10 characters - at least 1 digit (0-9) - at least 1 special character ( !@#$%^&*()) - at least 1 upper case (A-Z) - at least 1 lowercase (a-z).
  • The system is not responding when I use my email address.
    If you have previously registered to the old version of the Diverse WA training program (prior to October 2020), please go to the 'Sign in' page and select 'Forgot your password?' After entering your email address, you will receive an email from Diverse WA with instructions on how to reset your password. This may take several minutes depending on your internet service network. Also, check your 'junk' folder if you do not receive the email.

Sign in

  • I've received an error message advising me that my email is not registered. What do I do?
    On the 'Sign in' page, you will see instructions to Contact us. Please select this link and complete the email request for us to check if your email address is registered and active. You should expect a response from us between 1-3 business days.
  • The sign in function from my agency's e-Learning platform is not working.
    As the Diverse WA portal is hosted on an external website to your agency's internal e-Learning platform, signing into the training program can only be done from the Diverse WA portal 'Sign in' web page. In this scenario, sign in issues should be directed to your agency's Human Resources or Learning and Development unit in the first instance.
  • I've received a message telling me I haven't completed the training program, although I have.
    Diverse WA never sends registered users a message reminding them to complete their training. Emailed messages of this type will be coming from your agency or organisations' Human Resources or Learning and Development unit and connected to internal e-Learning records. Upon completion of Diverse WA training modules, you should download your completion certificate/s immediately and email them to the relevant compliance officer in your agency or organisation.


  • To enable closed captions (CC) on SBS video content, or to alter the playback speed on all videos, use the relevant menu option on each video.

    Image of video window and play menu options

Course duration

  • How long will it take to complete the course?
    You should progress through the course at your own pace, however, we estimate that you should allow 1.5 hours to complete. The Diverse WA Team also suggests that you complete both modules within 3 months of registering. For those of you who completed modules more than two years ago, we suggest its now time for a 'refresher' as the program content is regularly updated.


  • How long does it take to download my certificate/s?
    Once you have selected 'Finish' in each module, this will trigger the certificate to be produced and loaded to your Profile's Progress page. On your Progress page, you will see either one or both certificates depending on whether you have completed Module 1, Module 2, or both. Please allow time for the certificates to appear. The time may be immediate or longer depending on your network speed, browser or device used, etc.

    Please note, that certificates should be downloaded immediately after completing a module. It is your responsibility to download certificates from your Progress page once a module has been completed. In many cases, your agency's Human Resources or Learning and Development unit will require proof of completion, so download your completion certificate immediately and email it to them to add to your professional learning record. Future redevelopment of the training portal and/or content may disrupt the hosting of certificates and therefore the Office of Multicultural Interests takes no responsibility for inaccessible or 'lost' certificates. Please do not request we send you your certificate/s of completion at a later date. 

Reporting access

  • I've been nominated by my manager to collect data on all the users in my agency who have registered for Diverse WA and completed the cultural competence training. How do I access this data?
    Access to the user data for your specific agency or non-government or not-for-profit organisation is by request to the Office of Multicultural Interests (OMI). 

    You must first have completed both modules yourself prior to OMI authorising reporting access.

    If OMI authorised you to access data for the previous version of the Diverse WA training program you will continue to have access to your agency's user data. In your Profile, you will see the Reporting tab on the left-side-bar. If you believe you were previously authorised and do not see this tab, contact the Diverse WA team at

    To request authorisation, you must email OMI with a written request from your line-manager/CEO/Director/Executive Director or other agency/organisation authorising representative. OMI will then confirm your request by email and amend your registration in our system for you to access data. Please allow 24 hours for this action to take place. If you do not see the Reporting tab in your Profile after this time, please email your technical issue to the Diverse WA Team at 
  • Where can I obtain user data of the previous version of the training?
    All historical user data from the previous Diverse WA training site has now been archived and cannot be accessed online. If you have queries regarding historical data please contact the Diverse WA team.

Non-Government/Not-for-Profit Organisations (NGO/NFP) requesting access to training

  • How does my NGO apply to access Diverse WA cultural competence training?
    Diverse WA is available free for staff of Western Australian state and local government agencies. The training program is also provided to non-government and not-for-profit organisations (NGOs/NFPs) that have signed a user agreement with the Office of Multicultural Interests (OMI).

    To access this training, you must be a current employee of a Western Australian based NGO/NFP. This organisations’ CEO/Director/Manager will need to provide to OMI via email to a copy of their signed (not-for-profit) incorporated certificate. OMI will then send the Diverse WA User Agreement for the NGO/NFP to complete and sign and return to OMI. 

    On receipt of the NGO/NFP-signed User Agreement, OMI will co-sign the agreement and authorise NGO/NFP access to the online training program. 

    NGOs/NFPs will then receive a copy of the co-signed User Agreement for their records along with notification the organisation's current staff, board members, volunteers, or students on work placement who have access to the agency’s work email address will now be able to register and undertake the training.

    Please note that personal email addresses cannot be used for registration.

Culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD)

  • The term CaLD applies to groups and individuals who differ according to religion, language, and ethnicity, and whose ancestry is other than Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, Anglo-Saxon, or Anglo-Celtic.
  • OMI recognises that people who are deaf or hearing impaired and who use Auslan or another sign language as their first language share a distinct and rich culture and language, and that some people identify as being CaLD.
  • The Diverse WA training program focuses on awareness of and engagement with CaLD employees and clients.  Cultural awareness training in Aboriginal histories and cultures has been developed by the Western Australian Public Sector Commission and is free of charge to all WA public sector employees via (opens in a new window).
  • Through Diverse WA and other core business programs, OMI facilitates greater understanding among Western Australians from CaLD backgrounds of the unique heritage and experiences of our First Nations peoples.